Monday, June 25, 2007

So why the long absence...

In case anyone's been wondering where I have been, no I wasn't off having an exciting rendezvous with a canopy over a volcano, and unlike Chan-del, I definitely did not get to ride elephants. Instead, my very mundane trip to Managua ended with a fever, a stomach virus, and a three day stay in the hospital. I will not discuss the hospital conditions at all except to say I will pay any amount of money to NEVER go there again. But, it was an emergency and I was seriously (and still am a little) ill. The other patients and their families were very kind to me and helped me get around with my IV. But, when I thought I was better and they took it out, I developed new symptoms and had to have one put into my other arm!

I know others have gotten sick already, and I hope it was nothing like what I am still going through. Pretty much I am limited to eating boiled vegetables, broth, and gatorade. I also had the chance to drink some of the life saying oral rehydration salts we heard about somewhere (a classroom speaker I think), let me just say, life saving yes, disgusting yes, its basically sugar and three kinds of salt, think Gatorade without flavoring and you might be halfway there. Just the smell of it (which they call suegro) makes me flinch.

And, if that is not enough for you, now I have developed chest congestion, coughing, running nose, and headache which I think is a direct result of the continued burning of wood to make matches two doors down from my house 24 hours a day. I can hardly breathe for the smell of the smoke. Boo matches!

I hope to feel better soon, or if not, I will be going to a private clinic because this kind of sickness is just wearying and I am not a week behind on my work. Unfortunately I didn't have Flat Stanley with me at the hospital so I couldn't get a picture of him in the ward but I am sure that would have won me Skip's prize for the most bizarre picture!


Unknown said...

Oh my gawd girl!!! Only you could travel all the way to another country and wind up in the hospital! I was starting to wonder why no new blogs and now we know. I am so sorry (and yet not terribly surprised) to hear that you've been so ill. I hope hope hope you are on the mend and will be able to make the most of the time you're there. I'm sure there's not, but if there's anything I can do just let me know. I'll be sending you my good thoughts. Just think, on the plus side you got to experience an element of Nicaragua that you probably never imagined you would! :) And if you don't find that thought amusing forget I said it. Feel better, love you lots, jenn
ps, I'm sure in your blog you meant to say 'never' or 'not' go there again

Chandle said...

Get well soon, my parasites and I wish you well. I really am sorry you feel so crappy. At least healthcare is cheaper. Aren't you excited about electric stoves and clean water? I never thought I'd say that, but I just did.