Last night it rained, bad! The power went out right after 6 and stayed out until around 10 sometime. Unfortunately before I went to bed I forgot to turn the light switch off so when the power came back on it woke me up! Oh well. It was really hard to sleep because of the rain, thunder, and lightning. The sound of rain on a tin roof contrary to some people's false perception is not relaxing! Haha! Plus it was so hot last night that between the storm and the heat, sleep didn't come easily or last long. I think I got 3 hours maybe total before I heard the cleaning lady come knocking on the door at 5:30 in the morning. I am so tired right now, that its hard to see straight!
I finally was able to get the mosquitero as they call it here installed. Unfortunately, I have realized a previously unknown fear of small spaces. If I wake up in the night sometimes the tent surrounding me freaks me out! Isn't that nice to know about yourself all at the last minute?!? I am still being eaten alive by mosquitos, sancullos, and also I think fleas! There are so many strange animals rooming around, I think there must be fleas and with the cat getting in the house, I think we got some too.
The net has kept the pesky bugs from getting me at night. However, if anyone remembers the travel commercial with the people inside of the net who turn on the light and there are thousands of bugs trying to get in, sometimes it feels that way. Note to everyone sleeping in a mosquito net: never turn off the light, get in bed, and use the computer! The screen draws them to you like crazy and they will flap their wings on and on outside the net! Not cool!
I long for the easy days of laying on my pillow top mattress with my adjustable thermostat and I dreamed fondly last night of pizza and cold drinks. Soon friends I will be able to go outside and have every convenience I can think of close by. So that reminds me that this experience has surely taught me to count my blessings and appreciate all that I have so I hope that all of my fellow students are learning the same.
Look on the bright side professora, you'll be in the big city living it up soon enough. You may even find that you miss your home away from home...even the claustrophobia inducing mosquito netting! Be safe on your trip, don't talk to strangers and give the mosquitoes my regards for I have not seen one in many a moon. (Aren't I a stinker?)
tin roofs rule!!!!!!!!
here we have this thing you plug in the wall and there's an oil lamp in it. It keeps the mosquitoes out. I'm sorry things suck. Also, ear plugs and a sleep mask are my lifesavers. Maybe you could find them in grenada. Are you close to Grenada. It's nice, you should go. I miss you, hang in there. I also dream of pizza, and cold beer.
OFF is your friend chica! LOL I'm glad that your starting to get used to it down there. Keep taking lots of pics!
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